Scoala Gimnaziala Numarul 1 is a public school in the education area, who has extensive experience in providing, coordinating and monitoring of educational services provided to children  with the help of school teachers.It is the second biggest school in town. Bistrita is the biggest economical and administrative centre of the county. It is a complex institution, students are aged from 6 to 15. There are 2 school buildings, one for the primary students, one for the secondary .The are about 1400 students and 83 teachers.Our school programmes include Step by step alternatives and After school alternatives.

Our school is interested in providing European educational activities to the students. We consider that active citizenship, critical thinking, language speaking, using ITC tools, are ways to promote national values, and European values. We have students in the center of teaching- learning activities, that is why we promote reading and writing activities. The library of our school is a place where students can read or borrow books. There, we have workshops on reading, interpreting, writing about the books and characters.

School Headmaster: Prof. MIHAIU ANCUTA IOANA

Project coordinator: Prof. HADARAU CRISTINA ELENA

Meeting date:  24th – 1ST June2019

Project title of the meeting:   Reading philosophical books and composing an essay

Participants: 6 students for each partner country + 2 accompanying persons

Meeting description: Each country will be involved in workshop activities dealing with the reading of a Romanian philosophical book belonging to its literary tradition. The other countries’ philosophers will be also described and discussed. At the end of the week students will compose an essay.